4-1 片語的定義


單字 → 片語 → 句子


  • 動詞片語
    • She loudly laughed.
    • He drives fast.
  • 形容詞片語
    • The dress looks quite good.
    • She is very beautiful.
  • 副詞片語
    • We speck English very well.
    • She likes him very much.
    • We exhausted food too fast.
  • 名詞片語
    • The old lady called the black dog Lucky.
    • The beautiful girl sent her boyfriend the letter.
    • My brother bought me a durable bag.

動狀詞片語 & 介系詞片語



  • 動狀詞片語
    • 不定詞: to + V
    • 動名詞: V-ing
    • 分詞:
      • V-ing
      • V-p.p.


  • Zenobia breaks the glass.
    • Zenobia breaking the glass.
    • Zenobia to break the glass.
    • Zenobia breaken the glass.


  • 不定詞片語
    • I like to play tennis.
    • I like to play tennis with John.
    • (名詞) Winnie likes to sing.
      • Winnie likes sing.
    • (形容詞) The key to open the door is lost.
      • The key open the door is lost.
    • (副詞) He came here to study English.
      • He came here study English.
  • 動名詞片語
    • Playing tennis is fun.
    • Walking alone is dangerous.
    • (名詞) Seeing is believing.
      • Seeing is believe
    • (形容詞) The children are in the swimming pool.
      • The children are in the swim pool.
  • 分詞片語
    • The two people robbing the bank were arrested.
    • People living in town do not know the pleasure of country life.
    • (名詞) The doctor tried to help the injured.
      • The doctor tried to help the injure.
    • (名詞) The living are penniless.
      • The live are penniless.
    • (形容詞) A barking dog never bites.
      • A bark dog never bites.
    • (形容詞) Lost time will never come back agin.
      • Lose time will never come back again.
    • (副詞) It was freezing cold this morning.
      • It was freeze cold this morning.


  • The lady in the kitchen is baking a pie.
  • Jimmy is a man with patience.
  • Between three or five pens is enough.
  • He will come home in five minutes.
  • They were in the sea.

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